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- <?
- require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/header.php");
- $APPLICATION->SetTitle("Title Buttons");
- ?>
- <h1>Title Buttons</h1>
- <p><i><b>Available in</b>:
- <a href="http://www.actualtools.com/products/index.php#aim">Actual Window Manager</a>,
- <a href="http://www.actualtools.com/products/index.php#atb">Actual Title Buttons</a>,
- <a href="http://www.actualtools.com/products/index.php#atw">Actual Transparent Window</a>,
- <a href="http://www.actualtools.com/products/index.php#awm">Actual Window Minimizer</a>,
- <a href="http://www.actualtools.com/products/index.php#awr">Actual Window Rollup</a>.
- </i></p>
- <p>The <i><b>Title Buttons</b> feature</i> allows you to supplement <i>Windows®'</i> standard set of system
- <img src="http://www.actualtools.com/images/Standard_Title_Buttons.gif" width="79" height="30" border="0" align="absbottom" alt="Standard Title Buttons: Minimize, Maximize/Restore, Close"/>
- <i><b>Minimize</b>, <b>Maximize/Restore</b> and <b>Close</b> title buttons</i> with an enhanced set of new and
- innovative ones. These new buttons provide access to the following <span class="company">Actual Tools</span> programs'
- <a href="actions.php">actions</a>:
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li><img src="http://www.actualtools.com/images/MinimizeToTrayButton.gif" border="0" width="25" height="25" alt="AltMin button" align="absbottom"/>
- <a name="altmin" href="../userinterface/title_buttons.php#altmin"><b>AltMin</b></a> - left-click this button to
- minimize the window by a user-configured method <a href="altminimize.php">other than</a> <i>Windows®'</i> default
- <i>minimize to taskbar</i>. Right-click this button to display a list of context menu options where you can select
- "on the fly" the best <a href="../userinterface/minimizing.php#minimize">minimization method</a> for a given
- situation, adjust <a href="../userinterface/minimizing.php#traymode">minimization options</a>, or cancel minimization
- capability altogether:
- <p align="center">
- <img src="http://www.actualtools.com/images/AltMinContextMenu.gif" border="0" width="141" height="109" alt="AltMin button context menu"/>
- </p>
- </li>
- <li><img src="http://www.actualtools.com/images/WindowRollupButton.gif" border="0" width="25" height="25" alt="Rollup button" align="absbottom"/>
- <a name="rollup" href="../userinterface/title_buttons.php#rollup"><b>Rollup</b></a> - left-click this button to
- <a href="rollup.php">rollup</a> the window. Left-click it again to unroll the window.
- </li>
- <li><img src="http://www.actualtools.com/images/StayOnTopButton.gif" border="0" width="25" height="25" alt="Stay on Top button" align="absbottom"/>
- <a name="ontop" href="../userinterface/title_buttons.php#ontop"><b>Stay on Top</b></a> - left-click this button to
- place and keep the window <a href="ontop.php">on top</a> of the others. Left-click it again to let the window <i>be
- covered</i> by the others.
- </li>
- <li><img src="http://www.actualtools.com/images/SendToBottomButton.gif" border="0" width="25" height="25" alt="Send to Bottom button" align="absbottom"/>
- <a name="tobottom" href="../userinterface/title_buttons.php#tobottom"><b>Send to Bottom</b></a> - left-click this
- button to place the window <a href="tobottom.php">under</a> all the others.
- </li>
- <li><img src="http://www.actualtools.com/images/MakeTransparentButton.gif" border="0" width="25" height="25" alt="Change Transparency button" align="absbottom"/>
- <a name="transparency" href="../userinterface/title_buttons.php#transparency"><b>Change Transparency</b></a> -
- left-click this button to <a href="transparency.php">change the transparency</a> to a
- <a href="../userinterface/transparency.php#level">defined level</a>. Left-click it again to restore the previous
- transparency level. Right-click this button to display a list of context menu options where you can select from a
- full range of predefined transparency levels:
- <p align="center">
- <img src="http://www.actualtools.com/images/MakeTransparentContextMenu.gif" border="0" width="164" height="236" alt="Transparency Context Menu"/>
- </p>
- </li>
- <li><img src="http://www.actualtools.com/images/AlignWindowButton.gif" border="0" width="25" height="25" alt="Align Window button" align="absbottom"/>
- <a name="align" href="../userinterface/title_buttons.php#align"><b>Align</b></a> - left-click this button to
- <a href="align.php">align</a> the window in the manner specified in the Configuration Module. Left-click it again to
- move the window to its previous position. Right-click this button to display a list of context menu options where you
- can select from the full range of alignment methods available:
- <p align="center">
- <img src="http://www.actualtools.com/images/AlignWindowContextMenuForTitleButton.gif" border="0" width="80" height="72" alt="Align Window Context Menu" align="center"/>
- </p>
- </li>
- <li><img src="http://www.actualtools.com/images/ResizeWindowButton.gif" border="0" width="25" height="25" alt="Resize Window button" align="absbottom"/>
- <a name="resize" href="../userinterface/title_buttons.php#resize"><b>Resize</b></a> - left-click this button to
- <a href="resize.php">resize</a> the window to the user-defined default specified in the Configuration Module.
- Left-click it again to restore the window to its previous size. Right-click this button to display a list of context
- menu options where you can either select from a full range of predefined sizes or specify custom window dimensions
- "on the fly" as circumstances require:
- <p align="center">
- <img src="http://www.actualtools.com/images/ResizeWindowContextMenu.gif" border="0" width="163" height="220" alt="Resize Window Context Menu" align="center"/>
- </p>
- </li>
- <li><img src="http://www.actualtools.com/images/ChangePriorityButton.gif" border="0" width="25" height="25" alt="Change Priority button" align="absbottom"/>
- <a name="priority" href="../userinterface/title_buttons.php#priority"><b>Change Program Priority</b></a> - left-click
- this button to <a href="priority.php">change the priority level</a> to the user-defined default specified in the
- Configuration Module. Right-click this button to display a list of context menu options where you can access the
- current priority setting and change it as circumstances require:
- <p align="center">
- <img src="http://www.actualtools.com/images/PriorityContextMenu.gif" border="0" width="111" height="108" alt="Change Priority Context Menu" align="center"/>
- </p>
- </li>
- <li><img src="http://www.actualtools.com/images/GhostWindowButton.gif" border="0" width="25" height="25" alt="Ghost button" align="absbottom"/>
- <a name="ghost" href="../userinterface/title_buttons.php#ghost"><b>Ghost</b></a> - left-click this button to
- <a href="ghost.php">"ghost"</a> the window.
- </li>
- <li><img src="http://www.actualtools.com/images/MoveToMonitorButton.gif" border="0" width="25" height="25" alt="Move to Monitor button" align="absbottom"/>
- <a name="movetomonitor" href="../userinterface/title_buttons.php#movetomonitor"><b>Move to Monitor</b></a> -
- left-click this button to <a href="movetomonitor.php">move a window to the monitor</a> which is assigned in your
- system as next to that one the desired window currently resides at. Right-click this button to display a list of context
- menu options where you can access the current monitor setting and change it as circumstances require:
- <p align="center">
- <img src="http://www.actualtools.com/images/MoveToMonitorContextMenu.gif" border="0" width="89" height="40" alt="Move to Monitor Context Menu" align="center"/>
- </p>
- </li>
- <li><img src="http://www.actualtools.com/images/UnusedButtonsButton.gif" border="0" width="25" height="25" alt="Unused Buttons button" align="absbottom"/>
- <a name="unused" href="../userinterface/title_buttons.php#unused"><b>Unused Buttons</b></a> - this button is useful
- in the case you don't want to overburden your windows' titles with rarely used buttons but nevertheless want to have access
- to their functions. Right-click it to call the context menu which contains all the commands of currently unused buttons:
- <p align="center">
- <img src="http://www.actualtools.com/images/UnusedButtonsContextMenu.gif" border="0" width="173" height="111" alt="Unused Buttons Context Menu" align="center"/>
- </p>
- You can also left-click this button. First time it will show the same menu as for the right-click but when you select something
- from this menu the selected function <i>will be assigned</i> to this button so, for example, you will be able to quickly
- change the transparency as if you would use the normal <a href="#transparency"><i><b>Change Transparency</b> button</i></a>.
- Selecting another function from the context menu <i>will re-assign</i> this button to the selected function.
- </li>
- <li><img src="http://www.actualtools.com/images/WindowSettingsButton.gif" border="0" width="25" height="25" alt="Manage Window Settings button" align="absbottom"/>
- <a name="windowsettings" href="../userinterface/opt_general.php#addmanagesettingsbutton"><b>Manage Window Settings</b></a> -
- use this button to access the <a href="../userinterface/opt_general.php#addmanagesettingsmenu">window settings commands</a>
- in a single click (either left or right). For example, if you need to reset the settings of your window then you can quickly
- click this button and select the "Re-apply settings" command in the appeared menu. Or, you can easily create the specific
- settings for a particular window by clicking this button and then selecting the "Create specific settings for this window"
- command.
- </li>
- </ul>
- <?
- require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/footer.php");
- ?>